Use SureSmile aligners as a teeth-straightening alternative to traditional braces

Drs. Ty Jaros, Jacob Gubrud and Robert Gemmell of Distinctive Dentistry in Eugene, Oregon, are two dentists committed to helping others achieve beautiful and healthy smiles for life. Patients who visit their offices will learn about the many services they provide in general, cosmetic, and reconstructive dentistry. If you are considering teeth straightening treatment that does not require the use of traditional metal brackets and wires, it is time to consider clear orthodontic aligners such as SureSmile aligners at our office.

What are SureSmile aligners?

SureSmile aligners are an orthodontic treatment that uses plastic aligners to gradually and gently shift teeth into their desired position. The clear aligners are customized for each patient, using advanced three-dimensional imaging technology to create an exact model of the patient’s teeth. This allows for more precise control over the movement of the teeth than traditional braces do.

What are the benefits of SureSmile aligners?

Because they are removable, SureSmile aligners make it easier for patients to maintain proper oral hygiene during treatment. The entire process usually takes less time than traditional braces, typically around 12 months or less. Best of all, SureSmile aligners are nearly invisible, so no one has to know that you are wearing them! Patients generally experience less discomfort during treatment with SureSmile aligners compared to traditional braces and have fewer appointments. These aligners need not be readjusted like metal brackets and wires and must only be monitored for progress.

Find out if you are a proper candidate for SureSmile aligner therapy with Distinctive Dentistry!

If you are interested in discovering more about SureSmile aligners and whether or not they are right for you, it is best to talk to Drs. Ty Jaros, Jacob Gubrud and Robert Gemmell of Distinctive Dentistry in Eugene, Oregon. They can give you more information about the process and guide you through every step of the way. With a little help from modern technology, straighter teeth are just around the corner!

Call (541) 255-1287 to schedule your consultation appointment and evaluation with our team, conveniently located at 1775 River Road.
